How to Start an Online Magazine

An online magazine can be an essential marketing tool for any business, you can run it as a profitable media business, and it is a proven way to get customers and clients excited about products and services. In any case, it requires planning and organization to succeed, and this roadmap can help you to get on the right track. So let´s get right into it!

What is an online magazine?

An online magazine, also known as a webzine, is a digital publication that is typically published on the internet, although there are some notable exceptions. Online magazines are similar to traditional print magazines in that they contain articles, essays, interviews, and other pieces of writing, but they also often include multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio clips. They are typically published on a website or blog and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

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Types of magazines

There are many different types of magazines, but the three most common types are consumer magazines, trade magazines, and custom magazines.

Consumer magazines are aimed at the general public, trade magazines are aimed at people in a particular industry, and custom magazines are created for a specific client. Each type of magazine has its own unique set of characteristics.

Consumer magazines are typically shorter than trade or custom magazines, and they usually have a more casual tone. Trade magazines are typically longer than consumer magazines and tend to be more formal. Trade publications also tend to have a lot of news, whereas consumer magazines usually focus on a specific topic or product. Custom magazines are created for a specific client, usually to promote their brand or business.

Benefits of an Online Magazine

Some potential benefits of online magazines include convenience (a reader can access the magazine from anywhere with an internet connection), no physical copies needed/wasted (saving trees and money), up-to-date content (due to the immediacy of the internet), and interactive features (such as videos, slideshows, and social media commenting). Additionally, online magazines can be tailored to specific audiences, which allows for a more targeted readership.

Choose a topic

When selecting a topic for an online magazine, it is important to choose a topic that is both relevant and engaging for your audience. You should consider the interests of your readers and find a topic that is interesting to them. It is also important to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable about and passionate about. This will help you produce quality content that your readers will enjoy. Here are some example topics:

  • Social Media
  • Technology
  • Entertainment
  • Lifestyle
  • Business
  • Health and Fitness
  • Computer
  • News and Politics
  • Games
  • Art
  • Painting
  • Hobbies
  • Gardening
  • Cars
  • Weapons
  • Industries
  • Websites
  • Programming

Create a name

The first step in finding a name for an online magazine is to come up with a concept for the magazine. Once you have a concept, you can start to brainstorm names that fit the concept. You can use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words that are important to your concept, or you can use our free Business Name Generator to help you find names that fit your concept.

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Build a WordPress website

To build a WordPress website for an online magazine, one must first buy web hosting and install the WordPress software on a web server. I recommend Bluehost, as they offer several benefits:

  • Low fees starting at $2.95 per month
  • Free domain for the first year
  • Unlimited websites in one account
  • Fast webserver
  • Installing WordPress is just one click

Then you can choose a nice theme to define the layout of your website and you are ready to publish content.

How to come up with content ideas: Brainstorming and research

Content ideas for an online magazine can come from a variety of places. Some popular sources include current events, trending topics, and personal experiences. However, to generate more unique and innovative content ideas, it can be helpful to think outside the box. Try looking at your topic from different angles or considering new perspectives. Using data and statistics in articles is a great way to engage readers who are looking for information that is backed up by research. You can also brainstorm with your team or use online tools to help you come up with new ideas.

Some of these tools include using social media platforms, conducting keyword research, and using trend-tracking tools. By using these tools, editors and writers can identify popular topics and trends that they may want to cover in their magazine. Additionally, these tools can help them come up with new and innovative ways to present content to their readers.

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How to design your magazine: Layout and branding

Designing an online magazine involves creating a layout that is visually appealing and easy to navigate, as well as branding the publication with a distinct look and feel. One of the most important aspects of designing an online magazine is creating a style guide that will be used as a reference for all future design decisions. The style guide should include information on fonts, colors, and other design elements that will be used in the publication.

A well-designed online magazine can help to improve the usability of the website and make it easier for visitors to find the information they are looking for. Good layout design can also help to improve the readability of the text, making it easier for visitors to understand the information presented. Additionally, a well-organized layout can help to create a more professional appearance for the website, which may encourage visitors to return in the future.

A brand is an important marketing tool for any business, and it is especially important for online magazines. There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a brand for an online magazine. First, the name and logo should be memorable and unique. They should also be appropriate for the target audience and the type of magazine. The branding should be consistent across all platforms, including the website, social media, and print materials.

A strong brand can provide a variety of benefits, including increased customer loyalty, name recognition, and a competitive edge. When customers are loyal to a brand, they are more likely to continue doing business with that company, even in tough times. Brand recognition also makes it easier for customers to find a company’s products or services and can help boost sales.

Monetizing your online magazine

There are a few reasons why an online magazine might choose to monetize its content. Perhaps the most obvious reason is that it provides a reliable stream of revenue that can help support the costs of producing high-quality content. Additionally, it can help create a closer relationship between the magazine and its readers, as those who are willing to pay for content are more likely to be invested in the magazine and its success.


To monetize an online magazine with ads, the publisher must first identify ad space on the website and then sell that space to an advertiser. Advertisers typically purchase ad space based on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or CPC (cost per click) rate. Once an agreement is reached, the publisher must create or provide the ad creative and track the performance of the ad campaign. Examples of ad platforms are AdSense and Ezoic.

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The first step in monetizing an online magazine with sponsorships is to identify and attract potential sponsors. This can be done through various methods such as online advertising, email marketing, or even personal contact. Once potential sponsors have been identified, the next step is to create a proposal outlining the benefits of sponsoring the magazine. This proposal should highlight how the sponsor’s name or logo would be displayed, what type of exposure they would receive, and what type of audience the magazine reaches.

Affiliate marketing

Monetizing an online magazine with affiliate marketing typically involves signing up with an affiliate network and then finding merchants who offer products or services that would be of interest to the magazine’s readers. The affiliate network will provide you with links or banners to use on your site, and then provides you with tracking data so that you can see how many clicks those links generate and how much revenue they produce.

Subscriptions and memberships

For subscriptions, the magazine can offer a discounted rate for those who purchase a subscription for an entire year. For memberships, the magazine can offer different levels of membership (e.g. basic, premium, etc.), with each level providing different benefits (e.g. access to archives, discounts on merchandise, etc.). Premium members might also have the opportunity to be featured in the magazine or to contribute content.


An online magazine can ask for donations from its readers and they can be made through a donation button or a link on the website. The magazine can also offer rewards to its donors, such as exclusive content or merchandise. Donations can help the magazine cover its costs and keep its website running.


Merchandise is a physical product that is created to represent or promote an organization, brand, or product. Often, merchandise is sold to consumers in order to generate revenue for the organization. In the context of an online magazine, merchandise could be used as a promotional tool to generate revenue by selling products such as t-shirts, hats, and other apparel with the magazine’s logo or slogan.

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How to market your online magazine: Online and offline marketing strategies

Social media platforms

There are a variety of social media platforms that can be used to market an online magazine. One effective way to reach a large audience is to create a Facebook page for the magazine and post regular updates about the latest issues, articles, and features. Additionally, Twitter can be used to share brief snippets about the magazine, while images and videos can be shared on Instagram and Snapchat.


The first step in marketing an online magazine with SEO (search engine optimization) is to perform keyword research to identify the right keywords to target. Once the target keywords have been identified, it’s important to use them throughout the website, including in the title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and body text. Additionally, it’s helpful to create relevant backlinks from other websites that are related to the target keywords.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to market an online magazine because it allows you to target a specific audience and send them information about your magazine. You can build a list of email addresses of people with an opt-in form on your website, or you can build a list of prospects with a lead generation tool. Then you can send them information about upcoming issues, new articles, or special promotions. You can also use email marketing to encourage people to visit your website or subscribe to your magazine.

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Give away free content

One way to market an online magazine with free content is to make use of search engine optimization techniques. This can be done by including keywords and phrases in the headlines and article bodies, as well as in the metatags of the website. Additionally, links to the magazine’s website can be included on other websites, in blog posts, and in social media posts.

Physical presence

An online magazine can run a multi-channel advertising campaign that organizes print and digital media to reach customers. For example, the magazine could produce print ads and digital banner ads that would run on websites and social media platforms. The campaign could also include social media posts and videos that promote the magazine’s website and encourage readers to subscribe. Additionally, the magazine could distribute free copies of the latest issue at local businesses and events.

Events or workshops

You can hold events or workshops. This can help to attract attention to the magazine and also provide a forum for people to learn more about it. Holding events or workshops can also help create a sense of community around the magazine, which can encourage people to subscribe or visit the website. In order to maximize the impact of these events, it is important to consider the target audience and what will interest them.

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Brand Coops

A collaboration with other brands can be done by creating a partnership or by working together on a project. This can help increase exposure for the magazine and help it reach a larger audience. It can also help create a more diverse audience, which can be helpful for the magazine. Collaborating with other brands can also help build relationships with other companies, which can lead to future opportunities.


Starting an online magazine is a great way to share your writing and passions with the world and build a profitable business. It can be a lot of work, but it is worth it to see your hard work come to fruition. Make sure to do your research and plan everything out before you start, and you will be on your way to publishing your own magazine.

Peter is a solopreneur in Salzburg, Austria, a husband, and a family father. He runs a little publishing company, and blogs about starting and running online businesses. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking with friends and reading the Bible, and sometimes he takes a trip in his roaring old black 2001 Jaguar XJ8.

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